Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thoughts on using the Google site.


After playing around with the Google site some more, I can appreciate it a bit more. I still think the user interface is confusing, but I do like that I can add all sorts of media and pages, and that it is free (!).  This class really stretched my comfort zone- I am comfortable with the technology that I use currently, but learning new technology is not something that comes naturally to me. There were many times I cursed at my computer, and needed to go get a cooler head to help me through steps.  I think being able to use technology in the classroom to share resources is a really neat idea, but I think for my sanity, I would get help in the beginning next time.

I do like the Google site better than the wiki pages, so I suppose there is that. The wiki pages seem harder to use as resources from a audience perspective, where as the Google site, while maybe a little bare bones, functions just like any web page I am used to using.

I wish Picasa was easier to use, since pictures are very important for natural history.

Uploading videos using you tube was easier than I expected (which means it was still very difficult for me, but I didn’t pull out the big guns, curseword-wise .

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, I have also been stretched this term. I thought that I knew the basics of technology, but I so discovered that technology has quickly advanced beyond Microsoft office. I have felt so lost at times and I have been behind from the beginning. I am also finally getting the hang of using the Google sites, but I still can’t figure out Wiki. I made a Wiki account, but I don’t know what to do with it. I still need to try to link the Wiki to my web site. How do you feel about BlogSpot? I also created a BlogSpot account and I found this forum the easiest to use.
